Maximum Execution Time Exceeded WordPress Plugin | Bypeople

Maximum Execution Time Exceeded WordPress Plugin

The WP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded is an effective plugin for those times you receive the “Maximum execution time of 30 (or 60) seconds exceeded” message. This error appears because of several reasons that can be:

– When there’s a lot of petitions in the server.
– When there are multiple interactions with the database.
– When it loads a lot of content.
– When you process a batch.

Basically, the processes are taking more time than the program allows, so a longer period needs to be set on the clock. WordPress offers two solutions for this:

– Edit the .htaccess
– Edit the PHP.ini

This plugin edits the .htaccess file by adding and deleting a necessary code to a file, but you just need to activate and deactivate the plugin, and it will do the rest. The result is a longer timeout with a lightweight addition.

This plugin was created by Johnnie J. O’dell JR, and it’s free to download.

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