Amazing Parallax Web Design, Nike Rocking it again! | Bypeople

Amazing Parallax Web Design, Nike Rocking it again!

The launch of the latest Air Jordan Design 2012 due to its 27 years performance, has not only brought upon a fantastic pinnacle game shoe design, but has also come with an amazing parallax scrolling web design to accompany it, that takes UX to a whole another level by having the user scroll through the whole outline of the page to live, construct and take on the creation experience of the AJ2012.

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With the starting command of “CHOOSE YOUR FLIGHT” and a simple direction guideline that says: “Scroll to control” the page engages you with a simple yet compelling invitation to take control, where you just can’t wait to start, probably by the fact of how cool it might seem for a user to be able to control an entire page layout with a simple scroll.

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As soon as you start the first scrolls, the letters from the phrase “CHOOSE YOUR FLIGHT” start taking a liftoff, and you soon find out that this won’t just be a shoe controlled by scroll dancing through a website, when parts of a Nike tennis shoe merge to make up an airplane outline….Clean, simple yet engaging! 2-24-2012 6-04-34 PM

And this just might be one of the more pleasing aspects about having a ‘flight trough’ the the Nike site, and it’s that even though your dealing with an amazing and complex parallax scrolling effect, some 3d effects, and many other features amongst a full on color web design, it never fells saturated or heavy, in fact! due to the simplicity of the shapes, fonts and content display in the site, it fells clean and fresh.

So start enjoying this amazing parallax scrolling, with the detailed information and visuals, and the 3D effects while the AJ2012 flies through your computer screen into an airplane or a tank and tells us how was your experience when living the new Nike experience!

But before we sign off, why don’t you check out some of Nike’s other fantastic web site designs, old or not they’re pretty much ahead of many recent designs on the web…..

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“The design of this microsite is a beautifully minimalistic affair. It shows technical drawings of the Nike Air Jordan basketball shoes, as if they’d come straight from a draughtsman’s board. The whole screen is an animation that shows Nike Air Jordan shoes drawn and then explode apart”

Live the experience of this amazing parallax web design at the AJ2012 site!
…and don’t miss out on walking through the Air Jordan Evolution timeline

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