Antonin Januska | Bypeople

Antonin Januska

This Czech has been living in the US for the last ten years; he is a developer, designer and writer with a large background in product development, marketing, advertising and business. He has helped many companies and individuals elevate their business and take fair advantage over their competitors by making websites for them.

Antonin has posted several tutorials related to Twitter Bootstrap, WordPress and overall blogging in his own website as well as several blog entries since writing is one of his biggest passions.

One of Januska’s main interests is search engine optimization (SEO).

Let’s take a look to some prominent posts authored by him: Using Google Webmasters and Google Analytics to find your next blog post, comes to be a great guide for publishers to make some research about what they will write the next time they start a blog entry. The goal here consists on creating great metadata with powerful keywords to help improve SEO, ease the writing of a post about a known topic and increase its popularity and exposure by bringing traffic. To do so, the combined use of Google Analytics and Google Webmasters is key; Antonin explains really nicely how to use their power and achieve good results by making up your mind towards the topic of your next post.

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