Ben Frain | Bypeople

Ben Frain

Frain is an experienced front-end web developer, emphasized on “mobile-first” practices for responsive web design. He has worked for more than 12 years in the web field by developing websites and more recently web applications. Ben Frain is also well known in the web design environment as he is the author of “Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3”, a comprehensive guide to get started in the world of Responsive Web Design and succeed in the completion of the website creation process.

Ben has been working on the web for over a decade, and his wide experience goes from single page websites to custom applications, articles covering CSS and HTML and associated technologies and techniques for magazines like .net, Web designer, Computer Active, MacUser, etc. Find out more about him at

We took a look to a couple of entries at his blog that attracted our attention; Understanding Middleman – the static site generator for faster prototyping approaches static generation, so trendy nowadays, and highlights the use of Middleman to go through such static generation process and save time with easier and quicker prototype creation.

Moreover, he brings a set of tips for responsive design at Resolution independent triangles with CSS and SVG (for HiDPI), sharing a couple of tips in order to draw triangle-based shapes using CSS either with borders or CSS boxes with transformations applied.

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