Brad Frost | Bypeople

Brad Frost

Brad Frost is a pretty cool guy. He’s a web designer, writer, speaker, artist and general renaissance man, who as he personally claims, “Not once in his entire life has he ever been bored”. Pretty bold claim from someone who has been called “one of today’s best design minds”, but, as you’ll be able to check in his own website, he pretty much does everything so it stands to reason he would never get bored.

He’s the creator of “This is Responsive”, which is a website through which he shares every interesting and useful piece of information he stumbles upon on the web and is a pretty good example of a responsive website itself. He also gives pretty good conferences and talks, like this one, which has been archived on the web, for your own viewing pleasure.

He is considered one of today’ main responsive web design “gurus”, which as useless as that term may be, actually applies to him as he is always ready to share his knowledge to anyone that may ask (and even if no one asked) and, believe us, it’s pretty good knowledge, so be sure to check out his website and blog for insightful and informed advice about the web and design.

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