Christian Heilmann | Bypeople

Christian Heilmann

One of the rising web stars of our today, Christian is an International Developer Evangelist, he works for Mozilla and is based in London, England. Some of his strengths are Accessibility, JS, CSS and Web Interfaces. Formerly, Christian worked for Yahoo UK and Europe as Senior Developer Evangelist, Web Developer, Standards support developer and even Speaker. Heilmann has made some contributions to several of the most recognized publications for web fans, such as Smashing Magazine and 24 Ways.

Heilmann stands up for the use of Flash, despite the popular debacle in favor of HTML5 on Flash is not the enemy – Our lack of focus on what is important is. He downplays the criticism about the use of Flash, and stresses how wrong is the common practice of simply devoting to a tool or technology and all their features to end up doing something that needs a couple of tweaks from user-side to work nicely. Instead, he focuses how users will see it, what will be easier and faster for them (after all, that’s what they’re looking for) even if that means refraining from using the latest tools.

In Five things you can do to make HTML5 perform better, Heilmann gives clues to improve HTML5 code along with its performance. This is made by using CSS transformations, animations and transitions, quick reaction on events and reusing contents as frequently as possible.

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