Craig Mod | Bypeople

Craig Mod

Craig Mod is a writer who enjoys posting topics related to technology, design and publishing, as he specializes in these fields. He asserts being fascinated by startup culture, especially the naivety, the chaos and optimism. Regarding optimism, he does his best to put it in practice as he believes that as technology has an enormous and increasingly good moment right now, daring to do more and betting on such change, with a good deal of optimism, would be the right choice.

One of his writings, Twitter for minimalists, has some tips for those who would like to tweak for Apple devices by using Fluid and applying some CSS rules and finally having a great result that would easily compete against

Mod also enjoys writing on design, tendency that we can see, for instance, on his essay Hack the Cover where he explains the events and circumstances that have brought print and digital covers to their current status as well as showing some stunning works of versatile cover design.

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