Eric Meyer | Bypeople

Eric Meyer

In the 80s and late 70s, dinosaurs roamed the earth. That’s how punk rockers called the classic bands that had been around since the 60s because the thought it was time for them to go extinct, to pass on. Eric Mayer is a web dinosaur. With just over 21 years of web experience, this relic of a bygone age is not ready to call it quits and is still developing the web and advocating for the betterment of web standards.

In his spare time he writes a blog on web design and web standards, there you’ll find useful advice on CSS, which is his specialty. You can also find an excerpt from his book, Smashing CSS, in which he explains advanced CSS methods and solutions to web development problems. He has also written several incredibly useful development tools, the most famous being S5, which is a standards-based system for creating online slideshows.

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