JavaScript form validation script based on MooTools | Bypeople

JavaScript form validation script based on MooTools

Working with web forms is part of every web developer’s day, there’s always new designs, plugins and scripts that help designers to make better forms. Probably the most important fact in web forms is validation, which is basically the system that parses each form based on the user’s interaction.

VMFormValidator is a JavaScript form validation script based on MooTools 1.3. The script is dedicated to provide a simple and reliable validation for all web form types through all browsers in a very simple way. It’s 100% styled in CSS and permits custom validations and error messages. The error messages can be displayed on top of the form, above or below each input.


VMFormValidator should not be used as a replacement for the classic server-side validation (using PHP, .NET, etc) because JavaScript can be disabled. On the featured sample you can validate all fields and the form will not be submitted until you have fulfilled all fields properly.


On the sample survey form you can validate all fields and the form will not be submitted until all fields are properly filled out. Note that Firefox and Opera manage the radio button tabbing differently than IE, Google Chrome, and Safari.

In the official website you can find a complete documentation that includes tutorials, demos, syntax explanation, different methods stripped down and many more great features such as:

  • Unobtrusive, the script doesn’t require changes to existing (X)HTML markup.
  • Degrades gracefully.
  • Cross browser – tested in IE 7+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome.
  • Validates every type of form element.
  • Customizable styling (100 % CSS). Both the label and form elements have error and success states and the error list can also be styled.
  • Customizable errors, each one of them can be customized with your error message text.
  • Customizable error positioning, all errors can appear on top of each form element or below it.
  • Multiple validations per element. All validations are fired in expected order in all browsers including IE.
  • Display either one or multiple errors per element at a time.
  • Validate multiple forms per page.
  • Validates on blur and on submit with the option of turning off either of them.
  • Optional disabling of the submit button on error state.
  • Intelligent cross-browser radio button validation (no false errors).
  • Includes the most common validations including required fields, email, password, URL, dates and more than 25 different validations.
  • Custom regex validation, enter your own regex for the script for evaluation.
  • Custom functions, including custom functions to be run with onblur/onsubmit validation
  • Lightweight script, 19kb uncompressed / 9kb compressed.

Original link: VMFormValidator

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