Awesome tooltips with JavaScript and HTML5 | Bypeople

Awesome tooltips with JavaScript and HTML5

Tooltips are GUI elements that are displayed on a website after a mouse event, usually a hover or click action. These objects are used to provide additional information regarding different subjects and give the user more insights regarding different topics. Today we like to share with you a nice tool that’s going to help you make lovely tooltips while using your favorite JavaScript framework.

Tipped takes advantage of the powerful HTML5 to give you complete control over the look and feel of the tooltips you create. The tool offers support by default to jQuery and Prototype, though you can implement different adapters to incorporate other frameworks.

The entire skin of tooltips, including shadows and the load icon is created with Canvas, which lets you change your tooltips’ style rapidly and without having to make additional images.


Tipped also grants you take full control over the tooltips’ positioning. You can even let Tipped to figure out the best possible position for your tooltip automatically. You can create even more advanced tooltips by pulling in HTML through Ajax or from elements on the page. Pretty much anything becomes possible when mixing this with callbacks.

Callbacks are available for easy integration with your own code. Supported events are created to work on mobile devices such as the iPad and iPhone, saving you time creating mobile specific code.


Tipped is licensed under the terms of the Tipped License. Permission to use Tipped on your domain(s) can be obtained by paying a license fee. If you want support on how to improve Tipped, you can join their Google Group where people exchange information on how to make a better use of this tool.

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