Luke Wroblewski | Bypeople

Luke Wroblewski

As CEO and Co-Founder of Input Factory Inc., an Internet start-up focused on creating significant value from micro mobile interactions, Luke is a recognized digital product leader who has created companies like Bagcheck, acquired by Twitter nine months after being launched, and has worked as former Chief Design Architect (VP) at Yahoo! He has written books on web design and usability, including “Mobile First,” an informative written work on how to make the transition from desktop to mobile design, a book that has been considered a complementary reading to Ethan Marcotte’s famous book “Responsive Web Design.”

Also, Luke has created more than 1880 articles about crucial details of online software and design. He focuses on usability, responsiveness, form creation, wearables’ software design, typography, and he’s presented at more than 320 events around the world.

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