Maximiliano Firtman | Bypeople

Maximiliano Firtman

Maximiliano Firtman, or Max as he likes english-speakers to call him, is an Argentinian web and mobile developer with over 18 years of experience in the field. Author of nine books and public speaker on the subject of web and mobile development, he also maintains a blog through which he publishes articles regarding those fields. He wrote Programming the Mobile Web and jQuery Mobile: Up and Running from O’Reilly Media. He teaches mobile and web technologies. He has been doing trainings at big companies, including Apple, Yahoo!, Cisco, LinkedIn, Intel and Google.

He is a prolific writer, clear and to the point, there are many great articles to be found on his blog and, providing a veritable fountain of knowledge from which to learn. Some of the highlights include a review of the differences between Safari and other so called “semi-browsers”, options sold through the app store such as Yahoo Axis and what to expect from them as a developer. There’s also a lot of  articles on how to develop with and for cutting edge technology, like an analysis of Responsive Web Design today in terms of performance.

Even though he is, originally, a spanish speaker, his books have been published in many languages and he gives talks, workshops and speeches in English as well so be sure to check his extensive knowledge on the mobile world.

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