Multiple columns in CSS3 | Bypeople

Multiple columns in CSS3

Multi-column design has always been one of the most popular design systems in the recent time and now an evolution of this has appeared from the hand of CSS3. The Multi-column Layout Module in the CSS3 specification consists of the layout algorithm along with the corresponding properties to create the column structure and those ones to control the flow and break-off multi-column elements.


The article includes a complete documentation to help you understand this great CSS3 property, this documentation makes a conceptual analysis and a code review, stripping down this subject completely.


This is definitely a helpful article for anyone that’s starting with CSS3 and wants to master all its properties, including the fantastic Multi-column of course. Inside this article you’re going to find:

  • Building columns by creating multi-column elements
  • Adding gaps and rules
  • Controlling breaks in element flow
  • Spanning multi-column elements
  • Working with webkit and more

Original Link: CSS Multi-column layout

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