Oli Studholme | Bypeople

Oli Studholme

Oli Studholme lives in the land of the rising sun, Japan, prime exporters of all the weird. He gets constant attention for being American and writes for his blog, The Pastry Box and HTML5 Doctor. Due to the subject of his articles he’s gained a reputation as an HTML5 expert, which may actually be true. He knows enough of the language to be able to do several thoughtful articles on many of it’s features and elements.

A selection of remarkable articles authored by Oli starts with his guide to identifying and solving common issues regarding the Blockquote HTML5 element, he also offers guides on more obscure or non traditional aspects of HTML5, like the one on the new features of the “<u> element” or the “<ol> element”.

He has co-authored one of the most comprehensive guides to HTML5 and CSS,”Beginning HTML5 and CSS3, The Web Evolved”, which has gained a lot of positive criticism.

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