Latest resources for web ninjas | Bypeople

Latest resources for web ninjas


Today’s release is mostly based on nice JS, CSS3 & HTML5 resources, they’re the current state of the art and therefore you should take a look to some of these resources to bring your project to the next level, and please don’t forget WordPress, mix them and reach the perfect recipe for good looking projects.

Pinterest WordPress Plugin


Have you ever wanted to give that Pinterest look to your own page or posts? Looking for a plugin to do that and haven’t found it? Don’t worry about it anymore ‘cause now we bring you a plugin to do exactly that. From theme shock to the world here it is… Plugin Terest.| Download.



A plugin to create WordPress plugins: This plugin that lets you create plugins fast and easy, it won’t do the full plugin for you but will help you a lot with the process. Pluginception, a power user’s tool.|Download

Dynamic datalist control tutorial


The datalist control gives you basic autocomplete support for input fields. So you create the datalist control options, bind it to a control, and when the users type something, they see results that match the initial list. Want to know how to do it? Here’s a tutorial on how to manage this control.|Demo

Cross-browser HTML5 forms


HTML5 powered forms provide a great deal of semantic markup, and remove the need for a lot of JavaScript. Be aware for the older browser compatibility that could throw your HTML5 forms to the floor, but don’t let this discourage you, because there’s a way to overpass this impediment, so take a look at this tutorial.|Demo | Download.

HTML5 Audio


Sound is a big part of our daily life; therefore HTML5 <audio> element enables Web developers to embed sounds in their applications. The flexibility this control provides along with the integration with the rest of the platform allows several scenarios, from simple sound effects to background audio to gaming experiences to more sophisticated audio engines. Want to create audio that’s played from a custom sheet music? Here’s how it’s done. |Demo

Safeguarding your site with HTML5 Sandbox


Embedding content with an IFRAME is like announcing a party publically on Facebook. You think you know who you invited, but really you have no idea who passed it on and who’ll show up. The same is true for framing content. You know what you are referencing, but you have no idea how the site will change in the future. Content and/or functionality can change at any time. Without you notice it…and without your concern. Don’t let your site wander around defenseless, so take a look at how you can avoid it here.

Drop down menu with integrated forms

Are you tired of that classic behavior of the pages that when you need e.g. register yourself sends you to another page? Today we present you a project that tries to improve the users experience by letting them have these pages integrated in your drop down menu. Let’s see how it is done here. |Demo | Download.


Good looking apps with CSS3 transitions

A good-looking application must provide users with visual feedback. Users must always know that an order is received and understood by the application and what could be better than an animation. Let’s try it here. |Demo.


10 Most Common WordPress Errors and their Solutions


Have you ever happen that you forgot your WordPress password and the “lost your password?” option failed too, there’s nothing worse than that, maybe it could be something almost as bad as losing your pass and it is deleting a plugin and find that it has not gone. For this another 8 more errors here is the way to solve them.

Aeon, creating responsive websites.


Tired to create all the files and structure from every new project? Try Responsive Aeon! If you are still interested download it here.

Flickr Show slider


Flickr show is a simple JavaScript slideshow application for presenting Flickr images. The application doesn’t require any JavaScript frameworks but, if jQuery is detected, it can function like any other jQuery plugin. Want to give it a try? Download it here.

WPGPlus Posts your blog posts to Google+


WPGPlus is an interesting plugin for WordPress that let us publish our post in Google+ when they are published in our site. The publication of posts is done in our public circle. |Download.



HorizontalNav is a jQuery plugin that spans a horizontal navigation to fit the full width of its container. |Download

Phoebus GUI, more than 1000 design elements.


Are you ready to be dazzled by this new GUI element collection? If so take a look at it here. | Download



Zoomooz is actually a zooming plugin; however, it can be easily used to focus on different sections in a single page. | Download.

Hex Words


Have you ever had troubles remembering that hex color you use it in a page? , don’t worry about it again because hex words will help you remember them easily.

Imageless CSS boxes


This is a huge compilation with 45 imageless CSS and CSS3 boxes ready to download, including source code in both CSS and HTML and a working demo to see how they work. Give it a try here.

RSS Logo with CSS3


RSS feed logo is one of most commonly used logo in web design, due to the function it referred. You saw many tutorials on drawing the RSS feed logo using graphic software like Photoshop, but how about drawing it purely using CSS3? , if you can’t believe it take a look at this.| Demo

Bootstrap registration form


Bootstrap helps you to produce clean and highly usable applications; it will reduce larger engineering efforts and gives uniform application solutions. Want to give it a try? Why don’t you begin creating a form? Here is how it’s done. |Demo | Download.

File Upload progress bar with jQuery and PHP


Have you ever asked how are this bars done? Well, here you have a full description on how to do it yourself.

CSS3 Logo Design


Back then we used graphic design software like Photoshop to design logos and icons. But now we can design almost anything using the power of CSS3. Try that power yourself by creating a Logo with just CSS3.

Real Shadow experiment


A plugin that creates object’s shadow in contrast to the mouse pointer, it is as the pointer was the source of light and wherever you put the pointer, a perfect and realistic shadow is shown. Give at try here or take a look to the source code.

Scrolling Effects with CSS3


The effects are all CSS-only and a simple JavaScript function helps attaching/removing classes to elements. Take a look at it here, do you want to check the code? Here it is.

Sparkle Progress Bars


Shiny Sparkle Progress bars with percentage label. The sparkles inside the bars are created using a combination of linear-gradient and radial-gradient as the background and then animated using the animation and keyframes properties. However, the label for percentage is animated using jQuery.

Zoom out share button


When it comes to attracting attention on the internet, nothing does a better job than share buttons. Whether its twitter or Google plus, social media probably has a huge impact on your traffic. Here’s an attention grabbing way to display buttons, a circle that expands revealing a bunch of share buttons on hover. See how it is done here.

Refine Slide


RefineSlide is a 3D transform/CSS transition-enabled jQuery plugin for displaying responsive, image-based content.

Fancy Tables


It is a good idea to create a library that helped us creating tables faster so a collection of CSS class was created, a collection that don’t use any image to style the tables, in order to enhance our tables, so that we just have to create the table markup and by adding the classes on the CSS file the it will look pretty cool. But why don’t you give a try? Take it here.

Datepicker for Bootstrap


Do you need a date picker? Do you need it to be easy to code and use? If that’s your case then take a look to this bootstrap date picker here.

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