Samantha Warren | Bypeople

Samantha Warren

Samantha Warren is a web design specialist; she works as Design Director at Phase 2 Technology, and at Twitter as a designer. She has a broad background including projects for NatGeo, DuPont, Choice Hotels International as well as individuals of different areas.

As a result of her experience, she enjoys teaching, speaking and writing; she shares her knowledge by teaching foundation-level graphic design and web design at Boston University in Georgetown. Moreover, she was featured in a presentation at the SXSW Interactive Festival, in Austin, TX in 2010 about how to translate printed typography basics to digital environments, in order to create great online typographic experiences.

Samantha is also creator of Style Tiles, a responsive tool to quickly address the client’s needs.

Samantha has also written for important web design publications such as .Net Magazine, where she wrote about the makeover process she made to a fundraising website; she describes the features it was displaying on screen, the context in which the website was created, its social background and how the design elements didn’t call enough to action. Once she explains that, Samantha delves into the practices she used to enhance such website design and help their staff achieving their goal: selling tickets for the event.

Another important post by her was published on her blog: On AIGA. It unleashed controversy as she, based on a previous post from Michael Aleo (who showed the specific point of view from an AIGA local contest judge), points out the lack of actual support and inclusion that web designers have in an organization created to represent professional designers.

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